
Prof. Dr. Simon Nestler

I am researching on the application of HCI principles to safety-critical systems. I focus on people using interactive systems while being involved in mentally demanding tasks.

During my previous research I designed and developed interactive systems for car drivers to support them ahead of critical situations. I developed mobile solutions for emergency teams to facilitate the triage processes during disasters. Furthermore, I developed collaborative multi-touch interfaces in order to prepare rescue teams for large scale crisis situations. I analysed the process of collaborative problem solving on multi-touch interfaces as well as on mobile devices. Additionally, I dealed with the usage of RFID devices for identifying and tracking patients in emergencies. I developed a heuristic for evaluating the usability of user-interfaces in lifethreating, time-critical and unstable situations. Moreover, I developed an concept for integrating information from social media in the crisis management processes. I developed mobile apps for guiding and supporting citizens during disasters. Last but not least, I developed a virtual reality system for evaluating interfaces for emergency situations.

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From Every Angle: The Superfluity of Images and Its Impact on Collective Memory

Simon Nestler, Sven Quadflieg und Klaus Neuburg


Werkzeug für die menschzentrierte Digitalisierung

Simon Nestler


Menschzentrierte Digitalisierung: Praxisleitfaden für eine gelungene Usability und User Experience in der öffentlichen Verwaltung

Simon Nestler


Challenges of Downscaling and Upscaling in Human-Centered Design

Simon Nestler, Sven Quadflieg und Klaus Neuburg


The Design Prism. How Informatics Education Can Benefit from Design Competencies

Simon Nestler, Sven Quadflieg und Klaus Neuburg


Diversität in der Konzeption und Gestaltung sicherheitskritischer Systeme

Sven Quadflieg, Simon Nestler und Christian Sturm


Das Design-Prisma - Interdisziplinäre Lösung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen

Simon Nestler, Sven Quadflieg und Klaus Neuburg


Will Artificial Intelligence Make Designers Obsolete?

Klaus Neuburg, Sven Quadflieg and Simon Nestler


Lage und Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses

Kerstin Lenk, Mario Gleirscher, Simon Nestler, Stefan Rödiger, Tom Petersen und Jens-Martin Loebel


Digital Topographies. Using AR to Represent Archival Material in Urban Space

Sebastian Pranz, Simon Nestler and Klaus Neuburg


The AR-Marker in the Urban Space: Affordances and Roles of AR Markers from an HCI Perspective

Simon Nestler, Sebastian Pranz and Klaus Neuburg


Mensch-Technik-Interaktion und Zivile Sicherheit: Bedeutung von Usability und User Experience in Forschungsprojekten zu ziviler Sicherheit

Simon Nestler


Analyzing the Communication between the Public Safety Authorities and the Population in Crisis Situations

Katharina Dzubenko and Simon Nestler


Safety-critical human computer interaction

Simon Nestler


Social Emergency Software - die Zukunft des Behördenfunks?

Simon Nestler


Quantitative Evaluation der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion im Krisenmanagement

Simon Nestler and Christian Sturm


Internationale und Interkulturelle Aspekte sicherheitskritischer Systeme

Christian Sturm and Simon Nestler


Die Zukunft sicherheitskritischer Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Christian Reuter, Konstantin Aal, Frank Beham, Alexander Boden, Florian Brauner, Frank Fiedrich, Frank Fuchs-Kittowski, Stefan Geisler, Klaus Gennen, Dominik Herrmann, Marc-André Kaufhold, Michael Klafft, Myriam Lipprandt, Luigi Lo Iacono, Thomas Ludwig, Stephan Lukosch, Tilo Mentler, Simon Nestler, Volkmar Pipek, Jens Pottebaum, Gebhard Rusch, Stefan Sackmann, Stefan Stieglitz, Christian Sturm, Melanie Volkamer and Volker Wulf


Kommunikationsstrategien in sozialen Medien für Terror- und Amoklagen

Simon Nestler


Flächendeckende Kommunikation im Stromausfall durch regionale IKT

Simon Nestler


Ein konzeptuelles Modell für Kommunikationsstrategien in Krisen basierend auf dem subjektiven Unsicherheitsgefühl der Bevölkerung

Kristian Rother, Inga Karl and Simon Nestler


Ein Konzept für die Klassifizierung subjektiver Sicherheit in Tweets

Kristian Rother, Inga Karl and Simon Nestler


Virtual Reality Crisis Simulation for Usability Testing of Mobile Apps

Kristian Rother, Inga Karl and Simon Nestler


Towards Virtual Reality Crisis Simulation as a Tool for Usability Testing of Crisis Related Interactive Systems

Kristian Rother, Inga Karl and Simon Nestler


Crisis-Related Apps: Assistance for Critical and Emergency Situations

Inga Karl, Kristian Rother and Simon Nestler


Begleiter und Helfer in der Not - Apps für Krisen und Gefahrenlagen

Inga Karl, Kristian Rother, Simon Nestler


Social Media als Mittel der Krisenkommunikation

Simon Nestler


Evaluating human-computer-interaction in crisis scenarios

Simon Nestler


Nutzung von sozialen Medien als bürgerzentriertes Frühwarnsystem für Krisensituationen

Inga Karl and Simon Nestler


Mobile Kollaborationsplattform für die Krisenkommunikation zwischen Behörden und Bürgern

Inga Karl and Simon Nestler


aperto - Ein Rahmenwerk zur Auswahl, Einführung und Optimierung von Corporate Social Software

Alexander Richter, Michael Koch, Sebastian Behrendt, Simon Nestler, Sebastian Müller and Stephan Herrlich


Gestenbasierte Interaktion mit virtuellen Patienten

Simon Nestler


Creating a common operation picture in realtime with user-centered interfaces for mass casualty incidents

Eva Artinger, Patrick Maier, Tayfur Coskun, Simon Nestler, Mareike Maehler, Yeliz Yildirim-Krannig, Fabian Wucholt, Florian Echtler and Gudrun Klinker


RFID based Patient Registration in Mass Casualty Incidents

Simon Nestler, Eva Artinger, Tayfur Coskun, Thomas Endres and Gudrun Klinker


Interacting with Activity Streams

Simon Nestler, Benjamin Elixmann and Stephan Herrlich


Assessing qualitative usability in life-threatening, time-critical and unstable situations

Simon Nestler, Eva Artinger, Tayfur Coskun, Yeliz Yildirim-Krannig, Sandy Schumann, Mareike Maehler, Fabian Wucholt, Stefan Strohschneider and Gudrun Klinker


Exploring Multi-touch Gestures for Map Interaction in Mass Casualty Incidents

Eva Artinger, Tayfur Coskun, Martin Schanzenbach, Florian Echtler, Simon Nestler and Gudrun Klinker


RFID based Patient Registration in Mass Casualty Incidents

Simon Nestler, Eva Artinger, Tayfur Coskun, Thomas Endres and Gudrun Klinker


Indirect Tracking of Patients in Mass Casualty Incidents

Simon Nestler, Tayfur Coskun, Eva Artinger, Peter Pichlmaier and Gudrun Klinker


Design, Implementation and Evaluation of User-Interfaces for life-threatening, time-critical and unstable Situations

Simon Nestler


Assessing qualitative usability in life-threatening, time-critical and unstable situations

Simon Nestler, Eva Artinger, Tayfur Coskun, Yeliz Yildirim-Krannig, Sandy Schumann, Mareike Maehler, Fabian Wucholt, Stefan Strohschneider and Gudrun Klinker


Is it possible to interact with a handheld device while holding it in both hands?

Tayfur Coskun, Simon Nestler, Eva Artinger, Amal Benzina and Gudrun Klinker


Beyond Pinch-to-Zoom: Exploring Alternative Multi-touch Gestures for Map Interaction

Eva Artinger, Martin Schanzenbach, Florian Echtler, Simon Nestler, Tayfur Coskun and Gudrun Klinker


Timing Concept for Assistance of Anticipatory Driving

Darya Popiv, Mariana Rakic, Klaus-Josef Bengler, Heiner Bubb and Simon Nestler


Development and evaluation of a virtual reality patient simulation (VRPS)

Simon Nestler, Manuel Huber, Florian Echtler, Andreas Dollinger and Gudrun Klinker


Mobile User-Interfaces for Text Input in Time-Critical, Unstable and Life-Threatening Situations

Simon Nestler and Gudrun Klinker


Mobile computing in mass casualty incidents (MCIs)

Simon Nestler and Gudrun Klinker


Common Interaction Schemes for In-Vehicle User-Interfaces

Simon Nestler, Marcus Tönnis and Gudrun Klinker


Hybrid approach for management of patient-related information in mass casualty incidents

Simon Nestler, Manuel Huber, Gudrun Klinker


Improving the documentation in mass casualty incidents by combining electronic and paper based approaches

Simon Nestler, Manuel Huber and Gudrun Klinker


Concept for visualizing concealed objects to improve the driver's anticipation

Simon Nestler, Markus Duschl, Darya Popiv, Mariana Rakic and Gudrun Klinker


Supporting Casual Interactions between Board Games on Public Tabletop Displays and Mobile Devices

Florian Echtler, Simon Nestler, Andreas Dippon and Gudrun Klinker


Einsatzorganisation in Katastrophen: Unterstützung von Einsatzkräften durch mobile User Interfaces

Simon Nestler


Collaborative problem solving on mobile hand-held devices and stationary multi-touch interfaces

Simon Nestler, Florian Echtler, Andreas Dippon and Gudrun Klinker


Towards adaptive user-interfaces: Developing mobile user-interfaces for the health care domain

Simon Nestler and Gudrun Klinker


Using Mobile Hand-Held Computers in Disasters

Simon Nestler and Gudrun Klinker


Design and Development of Virtual Patients

Simon Nestler Nestler, Andreas Dollinger, Florian Echtler, Manuel Huber and Gudrun Klinker


Resource management in disasters

Simon Nestler