Mobile App Prototyping
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (winter 2021/22, winter 2020/21)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to create web apps that behave just like native apps on iOS and Android (progressive web apps), apply the push notification approach for creating new app user experiences, successfully deal with new user experience opportunities and challenges of progressive web apps and implement the offline-first paradigm and deal with loss of connectivity.
Multimodal Interactive Systems
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (summer 2021, summer 2020, winter 2019/20)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to use and combine different modalities when prototyping interactive systems and evaluate the suitability for perception and action modalities for their specific use case. The course introduces Voice User Interfaces, Chatbots, Alexa Skills, Amazon Echo, Chatbot User Experience, Design Concepts, Voice User Interface Design, Personas, Avatars, Cognitive Load, Error Recovery, Grammars, Put-that-there, Modalities, Devices, Speech Recognition, Voice-Enabled Devices, User Testing, Mock-Ups and Wizard-of-Oz-Experiments.
Introductory Project
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (winter 2021/22, winter 2020/21, winter 2019/20)
On successful completion of the course, students are familiar with the complexity of UX design processes. They are able to adequately use and apply UX tools and methods. They are capable of process-oriented work and know the User Centered Design (UCD) process. Students are capable of teamwork. The course introduces the UX process from analysis to conception, detailing and design, stakeholder analysis, persona, brainstorming, sketching, wireframing, preparation of the implementation, project presentation and documentation.
Natural User Interfaces
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (summer 2021, summer 2020, summer 2019)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand basic terms, methods and concepts for natural user interfaces and will be able to plan, design and develop their own natural user interfaces. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of best practices for natural interfaces, 3D interaction, 3D input and output devices, interactive surfaces, tangible interfaces, multi-touch devices and interaction, pen based interaction, design of natural interfaces, technologies for natural interfaces, interaction with natural interfaces, touch interfaces and gestural interfaces.
Webdesign and Webusability
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (summer 2021, summer 2020, summer 2019)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to build convincing websites (considering the perspectives design, technology, usability & user experience) by being able to iteratively (re)create, (re)prototype, (re)implement and (re)evaluate their concepts. The course introduces the major aspects of successful websites, modern webdesign approaches, information architectures for the web, navigation design for websites, psychological fundamentals for the web, communication by websites, structure and layouts of websites, screen and interaction design for the web, patterns and concepts for responsive webdesign, usability and user experience in the web, accessibility of websites, color and typography of websites, (multimedia) content on websites, user research for the web and new (design) trends in webdesign.
Technologies for Human-Maschine-Interaction
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (winter 2021/22, winter 2020/21, winter 2019/20, summer 2019)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to solve concrete problems in the field of human-mschine-interaction by choosing, planning, developing and evaluating appropriate human-maschine-interface technologies. The course introduces basic terminology and frequent problems in the field of human-maschine-interaction (HMI), differentiates between HMI and related fields, provides insight in the history of human-maschine-interaction; and analyses the variety of 2D input devices, 2D output devices, 3D input devices and 3D output devices.
Augmented Reality
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (winter 2018/19, summer 2018, winter 2017/18, summer 2017)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand basic terms, methods and concepts for augmented reality and will be able to plan, design and develop their own augmented reality application. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of foundations of augmented reality, human-computer-interaction with augmented reality, augemented reality as a new interaction paradigm, differences between augmented and virtual reality, case studies, tracking in ubiquitous augmented reality applications, interaction principles for augmented reality, augmenting print products, augmenting real objects and business models for augmented reality.
Gesture based Systems
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (winter 2018/19, winter 2017/18)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand basic terms, methods and concepts for gesture based systems and will be able to plan, design and develop their own gesture interfaces. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of best practices for gesture interfaces, design of gesture interfaces, technologies for gesture detection, control principles for gesture interfaces, navigation concepts for gesture interfaces, textual aspects in gesture interfaces, graphic and layout in gesture interfaces and gesture based interaction concepts.
Natural User Interfaces
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2018, summer 2017)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand basic terms, methods and concepts for natural user interfaces and will be able to plan, design and develop their own natural user interfaces. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of best practices for natural interfaces, design of natural interfaces, technologies for natural interfaces, control principles for natural interfaces, navigation concepts for natural interfaces, textual aspects in natural interfaces, graphic and layout in natural interfaces, interaction with natural interfaces, touch interfaces and gestural interfaces.
Graphical User Interfaces
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2018, summer 2017, summer 2016, summer 2015, summer 2014, summer 2013)
On successful completion of the course, students will understand the overall process of planning, designing, developing and evaluating graphical user interfaces and will be able to develop their own graphical user interfaces with Java. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of interactive systems, event handling, historical context, metaphers in graphical user interfaces, principles and standards, model-view-controller, paradigms in graphical window systems, interactions (tasks, techniques and styles), dialogs, forms, mobile user interfaces, touch interactions and gesture based interfaces.
Informatics 1
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (winter 2017/18, winter 2015/16, winter 2014/15, winter 2013/14, winter 2012/13)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to develop their own small application with Java. They will learn to analyse problems in a computer scientific way and solve them by the means of appropriate methods. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of programming (programs, strings, variables and methods), object orientation (OO in Java, objects, instance variables, operators and loops), fundamental Java concepts (Java API, inheritance, polymorphy, constructors and exceptions) and larger programs with Java (data structures, guis, event handling and persistence).
Interface Engineering
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2016, summer 2015, summer 2014)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able develop interactive systems for the health care domain. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of graphical user-interfaces, interaction with medical devices, design of dialogs und forms, mobile user-interfaces in the health care domain, gesture based interfaces, telemedicine, electronic health cards and evaluation of mobile applications.
Progamming 1
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (winter 2015/16, winter 2014/15)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand basic terms, principles and concepts of programming computer software. They will be able to solve practical problems idenpendently by the means of the programming language Java. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of programs, variables, strings, control structures, functions, methods, classes, objects, modular programming, constructors and object oriented design.
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2015, summer 2014, summer 2013)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to plan, design and develop their own prototypical virtual und augmented reality applications. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of foundations of virtual reality, foundations of augmented reality, tracking, visualization, interaction, AR case studies, VR case studies, business models for VR and AR.
Project management and team work
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (winter 2013/14)
On successful completion of the course, students will know the most common project management methods and will be able to manage complex tasks cross-functional and cross-disciplinary. The students will be able to reflect their personality, their strengths, their weaknesses and their patterns of behavior. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of project management foundations, project goals, call for bids, proposals, project marketing, project organisation, risk assessment, resource planning, time management, project controlling, project close-out, team building, group dynamics and meeting organisation.
Informatics 2
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2013, summer 2012)
On successful completion of the course, students on the one hand will be able to estimate the efficiency of algorithms and data structures and on the other hand will be able to develop efficient algorithms. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of complexity of computer programs, runtimes, data structures, algorithms (e.g. sorting, searching), trees, graphs and graph algorithms.
Mathematics 2
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2012)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to know and apply mathematical methodologies which will be required for engineering. The students are able to solve mathematical exercises within the context of engineering science. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of integral calculation, indefinite integral, integration of broken rational functions, application of the integral calculations, taylor expansions, systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, multi-dimensional functions and complex numbers.
Mathematics for Computer Visualistics
Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (summer 2012)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to use freeform curves and surfaces and will be able to apply basic statistical methods and probability calculations. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of curves (twodimensional and threedimensional), parametric curves, lengths of curves, curvatures, freeform curves, freeform surfaces, bezier curves, splines, statistical methods, generating random distributions and modeling of image noise.
Discrete structures
Technische Universität München (winter 2010/11, winter 2007/08, winter 2006/07)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand the elementary vocabulary of discrete mathematics and use logic, algebraic und algorithmic calculi, solve combinatoric problems, model and solve problems using graph theory, and do a quantitive analysis of the efficiency of algorithms. The course introduces elementary concepts and important areas of discrete mathematics, that are relevant for informatics students. It covers the following topics: Set theory, relations and functions, propositional and first order logic, combinatorics, graph theory and algorithms and algebraic foundations (groups, rings und fields).
Information Visualization
Technische Universität München (summer 2009, summer 2008)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to describe and analyze the underlying mathematical and conceptional aspects of information visualizations systems. Furthermore, they can extend, enhance and evaluate such concepts on their own, using user-centered practises. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of interpretation of quantitative data, information representation, dynamic exploration, internal models (including their formation and interpretation), information presentation, connectivity, models and autonomous processes and document visualization.
Desktop-based User Interfaces
Technische Universität München (summer 2007)
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to use and analyze the underlying concepts of two-dimensional interaction for mobile and desktop-based computer systems, and they can extend them towards own, interaction stiles. The course introduces basic concepts in the areas of theories, principles and guidelines, usability of human-computer interfaces, evaluations, interaction devices (desktop, mobile, multitouch), interaction styles (e.g. direct interaction, menus), design processes and development tools.
Machine Learning
Technische Universität München (winter 2005/06)
The course deals with ancient statistical techniques such as Bayes classifiers and Linear Discriminant Analysis as well as more recently established methods such as feed forward Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models. The area of Machine Learning has grown tremendously over the past 15 years, and lots of new approaches have been developed in this period. Some of these (Support Vector Machines, Long Short Term Memory, Independent Component Analysis) will also be treated in this course. There will be several assignments during the semester which will be discussed during the weekly meetings. Each assignment is centered around the understanding and implementation of one specific machine learning technique. In order to test the implementations, the assignments will come with data sets from meaningful applications.