Eva Artinger, Patrick Maier, Tayfur Coskun, Simon Nestler, Mareike Maehler, Yeliz Yildirim-Krannig, Fabian Wucholt, Florian Echtler and Gudrun Klinker
Accurate, accessible, and realtime information on the number, location, and medical condition of patients are critical for the successful management of mass casualty incidents (MCIs), where the number of patients exceeds the capacity of the emergency management service (EMS). We present a concept of a collaborative infrastructure which generates a common operation picture in realtime. A complex, stressful and uncommon situation like an MCI creates strong psychological influences and burdens on the rescue workers. Based on our psychological findings we derived eleven special requirements for efficient and intuitive user interfaces in unstable, time- critical emergency situations. Taking the requirements into consideration we developed a concept to overcome the MCI through the combination of multiple devices. The devices are carefully chosen according to the task of the EMS personnel in the field as well as in the incident command post. Three different interfaces – PDAs for the rescue units in the field, tablet PCs for the incident commanders and a multitouch table in the incident command post – help the entire rescue team to gain efficient situational awareness.
Cite as: E. Artinger, P. Maier, T. Coskun, S. Nestler, M. Maehler, Y. Yildirim-Krannig, F. Wucholt, F. Echtler, G. Klinker: Creating a common operation picture in realtime with user-centered interfaces for mass casualty incidents, 4th international workshop for Situation recognition and medical data analysis in Pervasive Health environments (PervaSense), PervasiveHealth, San Diego, USA, pp 291-296, 2012