Simon Nestler
Dealing with usability issues of safety-critical interactive systems is essential for an efficient, effective and joyful use of these systems. This paper describes a prototypical safety-critical environment and discusses the HCI (human computer interaction) challenges of different interactive systems for safety-critical environments. We designed, developed and evaluated various interactive systems which solve different challenges in so-call mass casualty incidents (MCIs). In summary, we made contributions to three different areas of application: Mobile computing in safety-critical environments, simulating safety-critical environments and social media in safety-critical environments. Finally, this paper gives further insights how all these research results can to be brought together in the future in order to be able to build usable interactive systems for safety-critical environments.
Cite as: S. Nestler: Safety-critical human computer interaction, it - Information Technology, 61(1), pp. 67-70. doi:10.1515/itit-2018-0037, 2019