Inga Karl, Kristian Rother and Simon Nestler
In this paper the authors developed applications for apps in times of crises and critical situations. They analyzed how people act in these situations and how to mitigate their uncertainty and fears through situation-specific communication. Including these aspects as well as the general challenges of crisis communication, pros and cons of apps based on existing examples were discussed. The resulting requirements for an app for crises and dangerous situations should assist in designing a communication solution that strengthens the feeling of security of citizens in critical times, such as life-threatening situations. This solution is intended as an additional means of communication for emergency services to modernize crisis communication with affected people.
Cite as: I. Karl, K. Rother, S. Nestler: Crisis-Related Apps: Assistance for Critical and Emergency Situations, International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 7(2), 19-35, 2015